ဘ၀ဟူသည္ ေမွ်ာ္မွန္းတမ္းေနသည့္ အသည္းႏွလံုး၏ ေႏွာင္ၾကိဳးမွ်င္မ်ားအေပၚ ပ်ာကသီ ျဖတ္သန္းသြားရင္း အလြမ္းေတးသီမွဳပါ (တဂုိး)

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

What happened to our MCU today early morning

ဒီေန႔ အိပ္ေပ်ာ္ေကာင္းေနတုန္း အသံဗလံေတြေၾကာင့္
ႏိုးသြားခဲ့တယ္.ထၾကည့္ေတာ့ အျပင္မွာမိုးသက္ေလျပင္းေတြနဲ႔တ၀ုန္း၀ုန္းတိုက္ေနတယ္
အခ်ိန္ကိုၾကည့္ေတာ့ မနက္ (၅ )နာရီရွိေနျပီ ဒါနဲ႔ ျပဴးတင္းတံခါးေတြကို ေသခ်ာလုံေအာင္
ျပန္ပိတ္ျပီး အိပ္ရာထဲျပန္ေမွးေနလုိက္တယ္  မနက္မိုးလင္း ေတြ႔လိုက္ရတဲ့
ျမင္ကြင္းေတြက စိတ္မေကာင္းစရာပါဘဲ.....
ေအာက္ပါျမင္ကြင္းေတြဟာ စာေရးသူတို႔ တကၠသိုလ္မွာ ဒီေန႔မနက္ေစာေစာက
ေဒါသတၾကီးနဲ႔ ေမႊသြားခဲ့တဲ့ ေလျပင္းလက္ခ်က္ေတြပါ................

Trees were fell down by T-storm.

Broken window at 2nd fl of library
Broken entrance door at 1st fl of library
Broken glasses from doors
Broken door glasses at 1st fl of library
Broken door at 1st fl of library
Trees were broken.

In front of Hostel-A, Trees were fell down.

In front of Hostel-A, Trees were fell donw.


1 comment:

  1. At that day I was woken up by the noise of heavy Wind & Rain. It was about 5:00 AM.
